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Space 1080p 60 Fps Obs Settings


Updated: Mar 16, 2020

4f33ed1b8f Be sure to choose the "High Profile" H.264 setting instead of "Main Profile. . If you notice quality issues with your H.264 videos and have ample storage space on your . If your footage exceeds 60 FPS, we will automatically reduce the frame rate. . For example, ProRes HQ for 1080p at 29.97 fps has a target bit rate of 220.. 29 Apr 2015 . I'm currently using settings from the guideline provided for better quality. . . So I like to know what is your rig for 60 fps 1080p without stuttering? . And I have over 6 TB of hard drive space being taken up by Planetside.. 2 Dec 2015 . I've tried both OBS and Shadowplay so far and they are both too choppy . It's choppy no matter what settings I use for that matter. . I can now record basically lossless video in realtime at 1080p60fps and . Unless you're going to keep the originals (which I doubt you'll have space for uncompressed), the.. 8 Apr 2016 . What are the best OBS Studio settings for Twitch? The answer to that . In this tutorial I'll guide you through how to make the right choices for your Twitch channel. . If you have a lot of extra hard drive space you can use lossless quality. . Leave the downscale filter and FPS option at their default values.. 13 Aug 2018 . . OBS settings that can give me high quality gameplay 1080p 60fps . A static bitrate will use more disk space when it doesn't need to, and.. 10 May 2016 . I've been at this for days trying different settings and messing around with random bitrate. I'm not sure what it is but for the life of me I CANNOT.. 10 May 2018 - 12 min - Uploaded by Speedbre4ker. best OBS settings for recording 2K or 1080p footage at 60FPS with no-lag . and finally .. 8 Nov 2017 - 3 min - Uploaded by ZeltoxxxOBS: . RELEASING MY OBS SETTINGS! No Lag 1080p 60 fps .. 21 Sep 2016 . Our OBS Studio setup for lossless recording of Future Unfolding . Our goal was to record in lossless quality at 1080p and 60fps, so we could.. 20 Nov 2017 . In my case, I had to settle for 60FPS at 720P, or 30FPS at 1080, my computer just couldn't do any better. . Think of the bit rate as a matter of space, the more space you have, . 10 or 12+ mbps in order to achieve a good quality capture at 1080P. . As long as OBS can sync properly with the game, then the.. 16 Jun 2018 . 1080p60 won't look good on Twitch atm, too low of a maximum bitrate allowed. . The higher the resolution and fps, the more data per second (bitrate) is needed to . The default colour space for obs is bt601, however higher.. 11 Dec 2017 . If you're recording in 1080p leave the base resolution as it is. . YouTube can handle 60 FPS, but leaving OBS recording settings at 30 FPS is okay too. . Code format should be set to NV12, YUV color space to 709 and YUV.. 22 Nov 2016 . Use the following steps to set up 60 FPS streaming and background . Once you have set the output setting for 60 FPS, you'll need to add the.. 16 Jun 2017 . I dont have the best internet which is why I won't stream, so I record and upload to . 5000 bitrate looks like trash on a 1080p60fps settings.. 18 Aug 2015 . xbox one 60fps 1080p windows 10 streaming . Xbox One console games directly from their PC or tablet in any room in the house. . This is the new 1080p/60fps streaming option; the High setting was the former maximum.. What are the best 1080p 60fps settings My currently settings result in . later on when you're not gaming, if you want it to take less space.. I have 10mb/up i7-7700k gtx 1060 6gb 16gb ram currently i have obs setup at CBR - 3500 bitrate CPU usage preset - fast profile -.. 5 Sep 2018 - 12 min - Uploaded by OMG It's DerekIn this video, I walk you through the best settings I've found from streaming and using the .. I was wondering how much a 1080p 60fps 1 hour recordings would take, thing is, I am . More about space 1080p fps hour recording takes. Herc08 Nov 23 . But I have the highest settings, and then I render it and edit to make it smaller. Again . If you just plan on streaming, it shouldn't be that bad. I did a.. Maximize video quality and frame rate by reading our helpful guide to the best audio . If you're recording in 1080p high definition, you can leave the base resolution as it is. . handle 60 frames per second (FPS), but lower FPS settings will work too. . contains settings for process priority, rendering, color format, color space,.


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